January 17, 2010

::conclusion minggu ini::

salam and greetings to all

everything went on fine since last saturday. ahahaha..(macam banyak je kerja aku wat)..first of all my tummy already fill with pizza. thanks to bro lan. senang2 blanja ktorg lagi...teeeettt..after having pizza, me and other three "kaki berjalan" went to the store..(where else should go here in perlis) looking for shirts, pants and shoes. walla...everything become so necessary when money is full in your pocket right. but, thank goodness, nothing fit with me.

then balik rumah and the time almost 7pm. did this and that, by 9pm facebook again and start ranting in YM.. as usual and already my routine now since my father up graded the streamyx speed. everything so fast and i can even download movie in just an hour. hahahah....

sleep and woke up at 6. sleep again and woke up at almost 830am. mama asked me to do house-chores while they were out. erm...being a good daughter, did this and did that. abah called and ask to come with him to market. then i went la....(such a good girl right)..toing toing..

11am: went to kangar again to take my laptop from my friend. had some cheesy wedges and nugget with pepsi. just imagine how full i was because i just took my breakfast right before i left to kangar. i can hear my tummy full with water.at 1, i went back home...

2pm: start again with YM and had a short chat with a friend. and he was disappear again. washed my car at 630pm and had dinner at 730pm then same thing at night with my laptop again...

so, that's all..very lively routine every week. i should reschedule my tentative so that won't repeat the same thing again and again...ahaha.....so the conclusion, my weekend was horrible.


Senyum Simpol said...

Bile mase ur dad upgrade...
downgrade ade la...ke u dh kne jual dgn ur dad.i know la ur dad...

pqah said...

abis tu pesal jd 54 Mbps