June 19, 2009

teenage behaviour

yeah..feel strange when i first thought bout this title. at first, i've been thinking. am i at a right stage to talk about teenager because i am soon become 21 year-old. some say 21st is the early stage of adult. so, why i can't publish about teenager. furthermore, this's my blog, right.

actually, i just got inspiration to write about this when i watched TV just now. thanks to my mum and dad because every morning, they will turn to channel 9 to watch "Tanyalah Ustaz". it was a good issue to discuss which is "AKHLAK REMAJA".

i love to hear the ustaz opinion about the behavior of our teenager. he said, there are many factors that can cause the problem. first, after giving birth to the baby. some parents have started to feed their baby with animal's milk. it can be cow's milk or goat's. that is why, he said, the behaviour of teenager become like an animal. hahaha...but, it could be true. because, we are advised to breast feed the baby till they are 2 y-o. after that age, we can proceed with any milk.

second, the name of the baby. we should named the baby with good name that have beautiful meaning. some of the parents only think about glamour names and they do not care about the meaning. the name give a big impact fr the children attitude. because what we speak out is just like we pray for it.

third, the father. so, to all father to be, you are the most important person to ensure the children are well educate with good education. and also, you are the one who have the responsibility in giving your children's name. mum only breast feed their baby!. if you have no trust in God, your children also could become like you because everything you do, your children will follow. you might had listened to this, "look at dad, i never seen him pray before, why should I.." or " dad also do this, we just follow what he did.." OMG..shame on you.

next would be the influence from media, including internet, TV, radio and billboard. these media always become number one channel in delivering good and bad information. also, they give entertainment that can spoil these teenagers.

you might have listened to this phrase, "Parenting Prevention is the Best Medicine" . Prevention is always become number one option. if you can create environment that reduces the chance of teenage behaviour problems, this is certainly ideal. it's about creating an environment that reduces the likelihood of problems. no matter how great you are, you can't control your teen, just as you can't control the decisions. however, if you can't control your teen, you can control your behaviour. and this is where dealing with teenage behavior problems begins.

::actually, everybody can talk about behaviour, about teenage and about parenting. these have become a global issue since not only in malaysia even, west also currently adapting the same problems. otherwise, it won't have any juvenile, drug, vandalism, and also mat rempit of course::

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