September 5, 2010

::kuih raya::

salam and greetings to all...

what else can u do to make your hari raya celebration merrier than the previous raya. hahaahha...every year the most unforgettable agenda is baking the cakes and making hari raya cookies..wallaaa i really love this moments eventhough i am the MALAS type girl. hahaha. it is just a way that i can intrrupt and to show that i also can do la..hahaha...seems so proud right, but the truth i can't do nothing except sitting there and watching everyone doing their work..hahahaha

for this year, since i don't have a chance to go back to Perlis, then i collaborate (is that so??) with my sis to make cokies for hari raya. hahaha..i have to push myself to be more RAJIN la. we have two types of cookies which is chocolate chip cookies and fruit pastry. huhuu. i haven't try to make these biscuits before so, quite difficult for me to make it after two three times guided by my sis. hahaha...

however, the result is quite impressive. eventhough if you look at its appearance, you can say these biscuits can't go for market. hahaha...but the taste is there. weeee.....still need more practice hokeh..hehehe...what ever it is, we really enjoy the moment. it is not what you will get from the biscuits but something behind the moment that only you can feel it like what i felt just now. it is only once a year. trully meaningful. MAY GOD BLESS

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