June 17, 2008

be ur self

what will u do if somebody ask u for a date.should u act as what u r or u try to be somebody else.?kita selalu berjumpa dgn org2 macam ni. why we must change to anyone else. i think we should be ourself. that is what we call the inner beauty.we dont have to be anyone else. i met someone who can change her personality. i ask her why she did that way.she said, it is very hard to be herself.i did not understand at first. she explained to me. before this, she acted like who she is actually.tp orang di sekeliling dia cannot accept thr real herself. dia bertukar everytime she met people. boleh dikatakan dia ni spesis sesumpah jg la..hehehe...bila dia berubah, people boleh accept dia.and bila dah lama. benda ni dah jd sebati dgn diri dia.so, benda ni dah jd penyakit masyarakat jg. knapa nak pertikaikan keadaan seseorang.lantak la dia macam mn pun.erm...so sad...

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