November 4, 2009

::just for remembrance::

salam..and greetings to all.....
we can't avoid from doing mistakes in His land. just to remind each other...
sebagai seorang muslim, tidak sepatutnya kita mengeluh dan menyesali dengan setiap ujian yg diturunkanNya. janganlah menjadi golongan yg apabila ditimpa musibah, mereka meratapinya sehingga terlupa ada hikmah di sebalik tiap- tiap msibah itu. sehingga kita terlupa untuk muhasabah diri kembali, from where we come and where is our final destination. if we didn't get it in this world, we might got it from the day after.
alhamdulillah, i manage to face all the troubles that come to me. thanks to Allah. without You, i am alone.
may God bless us. may Allah bless you, p_qah......